Posters plunge vaping
Anti-vaping posters were hung around Milton High School after the Federal Drug Administration funded program The Real Cost gave them to the school.
According to Assistant Principal Mr. Michael Bergey the anti-vaping posters were put up around the school. Mr. Bergey said he received the posters in the mail through The Real Cost, which has been in contact with the school. He said that he doesn’t remember when they were put up.
“We got them and I thought, you know, it’s great information for our kids to see, so I had those posters put up,” said Mr. Bergey.
The posters were free, according to Mr. Bergey, who said he does not recall if the posters came with instructions on where to put them. He said he did not look carefully at the posters, and added, “They were probably more appropriate for a restroom.”
“I hope it gets some kids to think. I mean, any material like that is just to spur some thought processes,” said Mr. Bergey. Whether the posters actually impact vapes or e-cigarette use he said, “I can’t speak to that.” Mr. Bergey said there are other plans to prevent vaping that are being considered.
According to Mr. Bergey, health teachers have recently started investigating in some curricular pieces that could be implemented in health class to further prevent vaping.
According to the program’s website, The Real Cost is a group dedicated to spreading awareness on the effects of vaping, tobacco, and cigarettes. “The Real Cost gives you what you need to know, real facts, so you can make your decision,” the website states. The Real Cost’s website also has addiction help lines listed.
According to Health and Physical Education Teacher Mr. Nicholas Fisher, vaping is a national health epidemic among teenagers. Mr. Fisher said, “We have Evangelical Hospital come in, and talk with our high school health and PE students each year,” he added