Lillyann Tilman Art Feature

Photo by Nina Willow

Teacher: Mrs. Krebs

Artist: Lillyann Tilman

Grade: Freshman

Class: Introduction to Art

Media: Watercolor

Project Title: Watercolor Painting

Teacher Comment: “Lilly has exceptional talent and drive. When she is given an assignment she ‘digs deep’ and comes up with solutions to solve an issue. I have never once heard her complain or say ‘This is too hard.’ She enjoys a challenge.” –Art Teacher Ms. Cynthia Krebs

Artist Comment: “I chose it because I thought that the colors were really pretty and I was inspired by other artists to choose the bird. My thought process was mostly positive, but I had my doubts on whether it was turning out the way I wanted. I think that it turned out pretty great in the end. I used the Cling wrap, sponge and dry-brush techniques. The Cling wrap was I scrunched up on the leaves to create the texture. I used the sponge for the background and the dry-brush to create the feather texture. I think this is one of my best pieces of artwork because I have had experience in painting with watercolor. I mostly paint in acrylic but you can apply some of the same techniques in watercolor.” –Lillyann Tilman