Jaydon captivates the crowd

Junior Jaydon Cottage will play the lead role of Gomez in the upcoming Addams Family musical on April 30 and May 1 at Milton High SchoolJaydon discussed his theatre career from watching to learning to performing 

He said he used to watch his cousin, Milton Alumni Neal Hoover, perform in musicalsHe began acting in elementary school by participating in D.I.V.A’S (Developing Intellect Via the Arts), a musical program held by Elementary Music Teacher Ms. Jamie Flook and former Art Teacher Ms. Reba Rohrer. He said he participated in this program for two years.  

Jaydon said he also participated in the high school’s production of The Little Mermaid when he was in middle school. Though he didn’t get the part he auditioned for, he still got to be in the show. “It was still cool being in the show as a middle-schooler,” hadded.  

 Jaydon has played Dr. Sanderson in Harvey, Zelda Lavish in Death and Deceit on the Nile, and parts in the ensemble of Nine to Five. 

During Harvey, Jaydon said he just couldn’t get his lines down. Even until the night of the first performancehe said he was still unsure but, in the end, he didn’t run into any issues. He said preparing better,” was the lesson he said he learned from this stressful experience. “It’s not as scary as it seems,” hadded.  

In terms of preparing, listening to classical music is one method Jaydon said he uses to memorize his lines. He also uses flashcards and spends time with the script.  

 Jaydon said his favorite performances so far have been Narnia, performed at Christ Wesleyan Church, and The Little Mermaid. Little Shop of Horrors and Into the Woods, are the two shows he said he wishes he could perform here at the high school.  

 Jaydon said there is no specific actor or actress that inspires him. He said the fact that they’re all able to beat out everyone and get the role is inspiring enough. 

Jaydon said he has been finding every opportunity he can to participate in theatrical or musical business during the pandemicHe said the hardest thing for him has been the separation from the cast as he feels they are his family. 

 “It’s like your family away from home, and right now during this pandemicwe are all separated from each other and can’t do as much bonding because of the mask and 6-feet mandate,” Jaydon said.  

Drama Club Advisor Mr. Stephen Aguirre said it was a pleasure watching Jaydon grow and mature. “Jaydon is a very gifted student that takes his performing very seriously,” he said.  

Jaydon said he wishes to pursue a career in the healthcare field, but still have a minor in musical theatre.