Federal funding flows to Milton
Milton Area School District is among many other districts across the country to receive CARES Act Covid-19 relief money.
Superintendent Dr. Cathy Keegan said the money that Milton will receive comes from the United States Federal Stimulus fund.
The district has received two payments so far, said Dr. Keegan. She added that the first check was for $467,711, and it must be spent by Sept. 30, 2022. The second check was for $2,125,025, and the district must use this money by Sept. 30, 2023, she said.
The district plans to potentially receive $4,477,000 to use by Sept. 30, 2023, said Dr. Keegan.
District Pandemic Coordinator Ms. Catherine Girton said approximately $337,000 was spent on Personal Protective Equipment, cleaning supplies, water bottle fillers, thermometers, counseling for students and technology.
A portion of the money will also go towards the high school HVAC replacement, said Dr. Keegan. She added that the high school HVAC system lacks dehumidification options.
“Additionally, newer systems now [use] ionizers to remove certain types of allergens from the air, including E. Coli, Staph bacteria, and even COVID-19,” said Dr. Keegan.
The new system will include dehumidification and remote climate control systems, said Ms. Girton. The work to install this system will begin around July and continue through the 21-22 school year until completed, she added.
High school students benefit from the cleaning supplies bought to ensure a safe learning environment, Dr. Keegan said. She added that masks, face shields, gators, sneeze guards, hot spots for internet access and water bottle fillers were also bought for high school students.
“We also used a portion of the funding to ensure students have access to mental health services,” said Dr. Keegan. Mental Health support can be provided within the guidance office, district home and school visits and social workers, she added. The school district works collaboratively with mental health agencies to connect students with the help they need, said Dr. Keegan.
Ms. Girton said approximately $57,500 has been spent on trauma training for employees, an employee assistance program and student counseling.
The leadership team is working to develop and implement programs to assist in helping students this summer, said Ms. Girton. She added there is 20 percent of the Federal money set aside for learning loss.
I’m Carly Neidig and I’m a senior. I’m an Editor. Some of my activities include, Soccer, Track, and Student Leadership.