Chloe paints a picture of her future

Senior Chloe Heintzelman said she became interested in art at an early age and is still pursuing it. 

According to Chloe, she became interested in art at about three-years-old — “as soon as I could pick up a pencil.” 

Chloe said her interest in “the arts” has always stuck with visual art. She said she does appreciate other forms of art like music but hasn’t had the chance to get into any of them. 

Chloe said she likes to throw her hands “in the basket everywhere” when it comes to art. “I like to have my hands in a little bit of everything… I draw, I paint, I’ve done pottery, I’ve done a little bit of woodworking, I do digital art,” she added. 

Chloe said that her current favorite form of art is working with paint and digital art. She added that paint is “very therapeutic” and that an artist can “slap colors everywhere” and layer the paint till it comes out as what you enjoy, while digital art has many possibilities.  

According to Chloe, her favorite form of art changes often as she learns, progresses and tries new things.  

Chloe said that she’s taken five art classes in high school, not including her TA blocks, and has lost count of how many pieces she’s produced. 

“My favorite piece so far is my space cat,” said Chloe. The space cat is a painting which was done in Advanced Drawing and Painting, she added.

Chloe said that the only art shows she’s participated in have been the high school’s show.  

Chloe said she works on art outside of school as well. She works on anything she can get her hands on at home.  

Chloe said she has been in two art contests, one was a contest for the cover of the 2023 yearbook and the other for the PB and J Bar, a new shop that was entering Milton. 

The PB an J Bar was looking for creative pop art designs to display in their chart, according to Chloe. “The shop was here (in Milton) very briefly; it didn’t stay for long. I still technically entered the contest and placed,” added Chloe.  

Chloe said she displays her work in the hallways of the school and used to post her work online. 

According to Chloe, she’s received the “Art All Star Award” which was given to her by High School Art Teachers Ms. Lauren Richie and Ms. Casie Baker.

“I plan on going to college for either graphic design or illustration,” said Chloe. She added that she hasn’t exactly “narrowed things down yet” but has applied and gotten accepted into schools though she has not yet committed to a specific school. 

Chloe added that the schools include Pennsylvania College of Art and Design in Lancaster, Kutztown University, and Susquehanna University.  

Chloe explained that the reason she’s gotten as far as she has is because she has never stopped trying new things and hasn’t been afraid to fail. She added that “failures make learners” and that artists will learn upon their mistakes while building upon them.  

“You need to know what not to do in order to know what you should do,” said Chloe. She added that this is very important in art, especially since learning is hands on. 

Chloe said her favorite thing about being in the art room is encouragement she gets from both her teachers and the feel of the room. She added that the rooms provide her with space and give her the opportunity to “try different things” and find her “strengths” that she wouldn’t have done on her own.  

“I think when I leave (graduate)… the thing I’m going to miss the most is the feeling of being in the art room because it feels like home,” said Chloe. “It’s a memory that feels like home.” 

Ms. Baker said that Chloe is a student who encourages others around her through her work ethic and positivity. She added that she has seen Chloe “uplift other students” numerous times through her positive nature.  

“Currently as President of National Art Honor Society, she is leading the group in many community service-based art projects,” said Ms. Baker. She added that Chloe is an “amazing peer helper” in the Art Program’s Partner Art course, which she works with students of all grade and skill levels.  

Ms. Baker said Chloe helps to create a “true art community” that all students want to be a part of.  

“Chloe pushes herself within her own art work, always striving to try new mediums and continues to create highly-skilled and stylized works or art,” said Ms. Baker. 

Chloe’s advice to younger students planning to pursue art is: “…Don’t give up. Push yourself past your limits.”