Get Out: Club plans adventures
Do you like the outdoors? Milton High School’s Outdoor Club plans a variety of events to get its members out in the fresh air.
Currently, Outdoor Club club has 31 official members, including President Senior Seth Yoder, Vice president Junior Evan Yoder and Treasurer Senior Ephraim Langdon.
Phys Ed Teacher Mr. Nicholas Fisher advises the Outdoor Club, a role he has held since 2016. “This year there are nine scheduled trips, but activities are varying as well as number of trips,” he said.
“All the trips have been pretty memorable, but the most memorable was probably our last trip we went on this year to Greek Peak in New York,” Seth said.
Seth added that the weather conditions and the group he traveled with made the trip very memorable.
Evan said that his favorite trip was the ski trip to Bristol Mountain in New York. “They had really nice trails,” he added.
“Skiing is my favorite trip. I don’t have a specific one,” said Mr. Fisher.
Mr. Fisher added that good conditions equal good trips. “A few years ago, we went to Bristol, and they had some unexpected two feet of snow the day before, so it made it pretty fun,” he said.
Mr. Fisher added the club is interested in teaming up with Warrior Run’s Outdoor Club to go on a combined trip.
According to Mr. Fisher, the club would like to schedule a ski trip to Vermont or Upstate New York next year.
This spring, the club is planning a hiking trip and a rafting/fishing trip. According to Mr. Fisher, the trips are open to anyone who is interested.
Mr. Fisher said the spring trips include trips to Ricketts Glen State Park May 1 and The Pennsylvania Grand Canyon May 6.
“The president and vice president will help in making trip planning, how much funds are spent on specific trips and also recruiting members,” Mr. Fisher explained. He added that the treasurer is in charge of funds and counting money from fundraisers.
Mr. Fisher creates a schedule of possible dates to host ski trips at the beginning of winter, Seth said. He added that the officers will check weather conditions for those dates as they approach and figure out how many people can go on the trip.
The club hosts meetings at the beginning of every year to elect the officers. “It’s a majority vote between all the members,” said Mr. Fisher.
Evan became an officer this year, but he has been a part of the club since his freshman year, he said.
Mr. Fisher explained that the only challenge the club faces involve raising money through fundraisers.
Mr. Fisher said the club holds a few fundraisers, with the most popular being the school wide volleyball tournaments.In the past, the club has sold Farm House Market hoagies and salads. He added that he is looking into partnering with Papa Johns Pizza to sell for an upcoming fundraiser.
Mr. Fisher said the fundraisers help pay for the gas, lunches and lift tickets for the ski trips.
He added that any students interested in going on the trips, can contact Science Teacher Ms. Jennifer Biddinger in Room 125.

I am a senior and a first semester editor. I am on the cheerleading team, as well as Skills USA and National Technical Honors Society.