Biology and Environmental Science Teacher Mr. Tanner Walter has returned to Milton High School as a part of the faculty after graduating in 2020.
Mr. Walter said he first became interested in science from School Psychologist Ms. Jennifer (Biddinger) Williams, who previously taught science at the high school. After high school, he attended Lock Haven University, he added.
Before working at Milton, he said he worked for PennDOT installing heating and cooling systems.
Mr. Walter said he really likes his new role, and he enjoys having the opportunity to teach students who are in the same position he was in a few years ago.
In his free time, Mr. Walter said he likes to fish, hunt, lift and play guitar. He also helps to coach the track team and the cross-country team at Milton, he added.
“(Mr. Walter) has very high expectations for our athletes but knows that they are capable because he has been in their shoes,” said Math Teacher Mr. Jonathan Dick, who is the head coach of the Cross Country Team.
Mr. Walter said he enjoyed getting to know his students. “It’s cool how all sorts of people with different backgrounds can come together,” he added. One of the things he dislikes is a student’s immaturity when he is teaching, he added.
Mr. Walter said that he enjoys working hard to motivate his students, teach them life skills and prepare them for the Keystone Exams.