Within the last few years, Airpods and other wireless earbuds are becoming increasingly popular, and this has caused debate. Are Airpods beneficial or detrimental in a school setting?
According to Milton High School Assistant Principal Mr. William Campbell, there have been problems with Airpods. For example, he said students walking in the hallways with Airpods in both ears can be an issue because they cannot hear the surrounding noise. Students also cannot hear directives from a teacher, which can cause problems, he added.
How can students use Airpods for educational purposes? Students can listen to a story or a YouTube clip that a teacher has provided for the class, said Mr. Campbell. However according to Mr. Campbell, it is a school rule and policy that cell phones are not allowed during class whatsoever, meaning students cannot use Airpods during instruction.
Airpods are permitted during transition times, lunch and Pride time. Teacher discretion is used to determine if students can utilize cell phones during Pride based on grades and work completion, Mr. Campbell added. If students use their airpods at other times, they can receive a verbal warning, a parent phone call and then ultimately a parent meeting for repeated problems.
According to Biology Teacher Lisa Mattern Stokes, she has encountered issues with earbuds. “Airpods are a distraction to the students,” she said.
If they are listening to music, they are not focused on what she is teaching them. Listening to music causes students to be absorbed in something other than learning, Airpod use also requires the cell phone to change the music the student is listening to, which is a violation of classroom rules, added Ms. Stokes.
According to Ms. Stokes, students are allowed Airpods in her class to listen to a video or EdPuzzle or if they have completed their assignments and there is extra time.
According to Junior Trinity Cox, she wears her Airpods all day, but because of her having long hair and that covering the Airpods, she does not get in trouble. She added that music actually helps her focus during lessons. She just lowers the volume for better hearing. Trinity added that she uses her Airpods for educational purposes, like watching an assigned video during class.