Stadium project approaches finish line
The Milton School District still hopes to have the stadium and addition project done before the end of this school year.
“The stadium is complete except for the track surface,” said District Athletic Director Mr. Rod Harris. “We are also thinking that the track is going to be done by the end of May.”
Mr. Harris said that since the track will most likely not be done for the spring season due to only the asphalt being down, the team will be going to alternative sites, meaning meets and practices will take place at other schools, said Mr. Harris. Practices, which begin March 7, will be held at Lewisburg, he added.
Mr. Harris said that if the project is completed in time, there is a possibility of hosting some home meets. He added that he does not “see it happening though.”
Mr. Harris said, that the project which broke ground in June has stayed on its $12.2 million budget. The costs have stayed the same since the beginning– $6 million to start and additional $6.2 million.
“The addition for the school should be completed sometime end of March or early April,” said Mr. Harris. The addition to the school will consist of a wellness and fitness center, health, the athletic training room, two locker rooms and the wrestling room.
Once everything is finished, there will be a ribbon cutting. According to Mr. Harris, they don’t have an exact date for that yet.

My name is Jayden Wood, and I am a sophomore. I am a second-level reporter.